Why a Milk Jug Makes Me Save Money
I’ve always been labeled a tightwad. I don’t like to spend more money than I have to and I’m often more hesitant to spend money period. I’ve been made fun of…but I’ve also been able to buy things with cash that most people rely on debt to acquire.
I only mention this because part of my tightwad personality stems from a desire to use everything to its fullest. I always clean my plate, reuse any building material I can find, refuse to throw away various items because they could be useful later, and I am a stickler on recycling.
In fact, we have five or six trash cans in our garage that collect our plastic, paper and aluminum containers. We also have a pile of cardboard boxes. Usually, every month or two we haul a truckload (I’m not exaggerating) to the recycle center. There are jokes that we have about 50 milk jugs (again, not exaggerating).
But the other day as I was throwing a few containers in the bin, it donned on me why I’m so insistent on this practice.
Because I don’t like to waste anything and don’t like to spend more money than necessary, I’m also a big believer in re-purposing and being a good steward….with my household containers and my money.

It’s our responsibility to be good stewards of the resources we’re blessed with. This means recycling household containers and managing money. Now, this is not an order for you to keep six trash cans in your garage, but I want you to think about your approach to stewardship and responsibility.
It’s really easy to just throw a milk jug in the trash can when you’re done and it’s really easy to spend money without considering the need or long-term implication of that purchase. It takes more work to carry that milk jug to the recycle bin, then load it up in the truck, haul it to the recycle center and unload it. It also takes more work to plan expenses and say no to short-term pleasures that limit long-term opportunities.
Are you a bad person if you don’t recycle and don’t manage your money with a tight fist? Absolutely not.
But could you put more thought into how you manage that area of your life? We all can.
I encourage you to consider how you view being a good steward. How do you use the resources you have in your possession? Do you throw them in the trash (literally and figuratively) without a second thought or do you take the time to make sure they go to a greater purpose?
If you want to join my “recycling club” of milk jugs and money management, I’m glad to guide and coach you. We’ll discuss your goals, struggles and create a plan to accomplish your dreams. Click here to schedule your free consultation and go find a good (recycling) trash can – you’re gonna need it!