The Shiny Object Syndrome
Ever been attracted to shiny objects? No I’m not talking about little gadgets that glimmer in the sunlight and make you curious.
I’m talking about the opportunities that seem attractive but don’t actually provide any benefit to your life.
We’ve all experienced the distraction. We see a cool thing in a store ad, come across a great deal at an auction or hear about a new investment opportunity that will make us a lot of money in a short period of time. It’s easy to get distracted by these shiny opportunities because they seem to offer an immediate satisfaction. And we think we can instantly improve our worth, self-esteem or status by buying or investing.
But the reality is the shine goes away and you’re left with a rusty piece of metal that has no value and certainly didn’t help you gain any value.
And that’s why you need to wear blinders. You need to harness yourself to the plan like a horse is harnessed to a buggy. You need to put the blinders on so you only focus on what is ahead and aren’t distracted by the shiny objects on the side. Putting blinders on means telling yourself that no matter what, you’re going to focus on accomplishing your goal. And you’re not going to let anything pull you away from what you know will work. You’re not going to let anything steer you onto a different path that leads to a dead end. You’re going to keep your sights ahead on the horizon and put your efforts into pulling the buggy.

When you narrow your focus, you concentrate your efforts and you achieve your desired results. When you chase shiny objects, you just keep running in circles following the next “big thing”.
Keep your blinders on and keep pulling ahead to your final destination. If you need someone to help put your blinders on, schedule a free consultation here and I’ll help you create a plan for achieving success with your behavior, your money, and ultimately…your life.