About Austin
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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Austin contributed a whooping 133 entries.
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Ep 82-Why Bob is Nervous About Budgeting this Year
March 8, 2024 in Podcast /by AustinComing off our conversation around managing finances and bank accounts as a couple, Bob shares his experience transitioning from managing expenses and a budget separately from his wife, to combining their expenses into a shared budget, while still maintaining separate checking accounts. This change was motivated by past struggles with financial management in previous marriages. Bob and his wife now use a joint budgeting app to track expenses, and continue to work on aligning this method with their individual budgeting styles. He talks about the benefits, challenges and overall perspective he is experiencing and how he hopes this will bring stronger financial unity to his marriage in the future.
Ep 81-Will Separating Your Money Unify Your Marriage?
February 22, 2024 in Podcast /by AustinThere are strong opinions around the best ways to manage finances as a couple. One of those opinions includes whether to keep finances combined into one account or separate into different accounts. This episode touches on personal experiences and perspectives Bob and I have with each approach, with one of us advocating for combined finances for the sake of unity and trust, while the other shares cautionary experiences and concerns about trust and accountability. We highlight the complexity of managing finances as a couple and the importance of finding a strategy that works best for each unique relationship.
Ep 79-How 2023 Changed Our Outlook on Life
December 29, 2023 in Podcast /by AustinEp 78-Are You Frugal or Just Cheap?
December 15, 2023 in Podcast /by AustinEp 77-The 3 Phases of Financial Achievement P3
December 1, 2023 in Podcast /by AustinEp 76-The 3 Phases of Financial Achievement P2
November 17, 2023 in Podcast /by AustinEp 75-The 3 Phases of Financial Achievement P1
November 4, 2023 in Podcast /by AustinEp 74 – Why Your Income Doesn’t Matter!
October 20, 2023 in Podcast /by AustinWe’ve all heard, and maybe said, the lies of society that you don’t make enough to get ahead and being in debt is just a way of life.
Whether you feel like your paycheck isn’t big enough, or you should be farther ahead because it is….the reality is the money isn’t the problem.
Ep 73 – Facing Your Financial Fears with Confidence
October 7, 2023 in Podcast /by AustinWe all deal with fears around money. Will we have enough, are we managing it the right way, what if something happens? Or worse – I’ll never be able to get ahead.
But financial fears don’t have to be the way we think about money for the rest of our lives. In fact, letting your fears dictate the way you manage money will likely be the number one obstacles that holds you back from achieving control of your finances.