How fear and ignorance can rob you of freedom
Ever notice how two people can see the exact same thing and have completely different responses? Like a glass of water being half-full or half-empty. A tank of gas being 1/4 left or almost empty. Or my personal favorite, wondering what might happen versus dreaming about what could happen.
Every person has their own perspective of life. Some are driven by abundance and others by scarcity. Some view life as an adventure and others as a risk. Some people think that bad things are going to happen if they do something new, while others believe that good things might not happen if they don’t do something new. Neither side is wrong, but it does greatly change how you react and make decisions.
Men are typically driven by abundance and opportunity, while women are more likely to fear scarcity and risk. It’s not always the case, but the trends tend to lean that way. That’s why making money is important to most men while saving money is essential to most women. The balance keeps everything afloat and prevents the other from going to the extreme.
It’s important to realize which area you tend to find yourself, because it can greatly impact your view of money and how you manage it. For example, an abundance mindset might believe that getting debt free will bring more financial security, even if it means not having any extra money in the bank. Because now you’re free from payments and can go make more money to keep. On the flip side, a scarcity mindset is likely more willing to make minimum payments on existing debt and keep $20,000 in the bank for the “what-if” emergency that might happen someday.
Both sides have valid desires, but neither side takes a balanced approach to their financial situation.

When you believe in abundance, you believe in opportunity and are willing to risk the short-term safety to achieve the long-term satisfaction. This can have some strong positive results. But only if you approach the situation with a respect for the alternative outcome. Ignoring the potential for failure can leave you with regrets and financial burden.
When you believe in scarcity, you believe in limitations and are fueled by creating an extra layer of protection to avoid a negative outcome. In fact, you’re willing to pass on potential success to remain safe and secure in your own knowledge and control. But if you fear the unknown, you’ll never know what the future might hold. And limiting yourself can be a costly mistake.
So approach your money and time with a balance and with wisdom. Don’t be completely free-spirited and ignore the potential dangers, and don’t confine yourself to the safety of your own knowledge. Be prepared for the worst and expect the best. Consider the opportunity and remember the danger. Use your money to create safety and opportunity for yourself so you can limit the scarcity and produce the abundance you need to win.
If you need help creating a balanced mindset, let’s visit about your struggles, dreams and goals. I’ll help you craft a plan to win without missing opportunity and causing stress. Click here to schedule your call.