A letter from your future self
Do you ever think about where your life would be had you made different decisions?
Every decision, good or bad, impacts your life farther than you realize. Many times, the decision ends up being a domino effect that we don’t even notice…yet it sets the course for what will happen years down the road.
And often times, it’s not until you look back that you actually realize the path you just went down.
But imagine if your decisions were based on the future, versus the present. What if your choices reflected your desires for 1, 5 or 10 years down the road instead of yesterday and today’s experience?

The only way to accomplish this is by taking note of where you want to end up and being willing to stay true to that course with your decisions and actions.
I see it way too often…young people (and even older people sometimes), have good jobs and make good money. So they buy nice things. They have a nice house, nice vehicles, go on nice vacations, eat at nice restaurants, and continually accrue more nice stuff. But all that “nice” eventually fades and leaves them wondering what happened to their money.
As they were enjoying the present, they forgot about the future. So when the future becomes the present, it is no more. They are stuck in the reality they have created versus living the reality they wanted.
I’ll admit-it’s easy to get excited about the present and want to enjoy it. And enjoy it you should. But it’s important to not let your present decisions ruin your future life.
Consider where you want to end up, what dream you want to make a reality. And base every decision you make on the success of that dream. Pretty soon, you’ll be living like you always dreamed.
Need help creating that dream? Schedule your free consultation and learn how you can control your decisions now to achieve your dreams later.