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Ep 72-Being in Debt Isn’t An Excuse

It seems harsh, but just because you’re broke or in debt doesn’t give you an excuse to not tithe or be generous. In fact, as we wrap up our series on tithing and generosity, we explore why it’s even more important to give during challenging financial times.

Ep 71-How Much Do YOU Give??

If you have attended church for any amount of time, you’ve probably heard of “tithing” or giving money to the church. It’s a foreign concept for anyone who isn’t a Christian or doesn’t have a thorough understanding of the Bible. But even for those who DO understand what a tithe is, talking about it is often off-limits.

Ep 70-Focusing on Generosity First w/Randy Bowen

This week's guest, Randy Bowen, walks us through the mindset shifts
necessary to make generosity a focus regardless of where you are financially. He
addresses the benefits of giving, the best way to get started and why you should give
even when you don't have extra money to do so.

Ep 68-When Men and Women Collide on Money (Part 2)

It’s true-men and women think differently, talk differently and understand money differently. Which can make for some interesting, and sometimes challenging, financial discussions. So how DO you get your husband to talk about sensitive, emotional subjects like money, without making him feel judged or critiqued?

Ep 67-The Trick to Getting Your Husband to Talk About Money (Part 1)

We’re taking a deep dive at how men and women can have effective conversations around money. And we’re bringing our expert wives to the table!

If you’ve ever wanted to get inside a man’s head or hear tips from other women for communicating with their spouse, don’t miss this 2 part series on men and money!!

Ep 66-What Does Money Mean to You? w/Ashley Harwood

Having moved across the country more than once, and experienced every lifestyle from minimalist to wealthy, real estate agent Ashley Harwood holds a very unique perspective on life, finances and what really matters. This introvert turned successful investor and coach understands that money isn’t the focus, but rather the means