Eat the elephant and win with money
What’s the best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time…
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by our finances, our goals, our to-do list. Really, life in general can be more than we know how to handle sometimes. But the best way to attain success is to keep moving forward. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Keep getting up every day and trying to accomplish one thing.
If you’re like most people, keeping track of your finances is hard enough. Getting ahead with your finances seems like an impossible feat. But the good news is attaining financial freedom isn’t as difficult or confusing as it feels.
Whether it’s achieving success with your money, your job or your family, the key is to focus on one task and devote your every effort to winning.
Most families today are trying to pay down debt, save for retirement, pay their mortgage and still have something left at the end of each month. The problem is they are spread out in so many areas they can’t win in any one of them. The result is frustration, stress and loss of hope that it will ever be any different.

But there’s another way…
You CAN achieve financial success and freedom by focusing on one task at a time. The process that works the best is called the Baby Steps.
Baby Step 1: Save $1,000 starter emergency fund
Baby Step 2: Pay down all debt except mortgage using debt snowball
Baby Step 3: Save full emergency fund of 3-6 months expenses
Baby Step 4: Contribute 15% to retirement
Baby Step 5: Contribute to kid’s college
Baby Step 6: Pay off house early
Baby Step 7: Max out retirement accounts so you can live and give like no one else!
When you follow this process, you attain success faster than you ever imagined because you stay focused, and take one bite at a time of the elephant in front of you.
It’s possible, you can do it and I’m here to help. Click here to schedule your free consultation and get started.